Salin Plus
Salin Plus Device
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The Salin Air Purifier works by having air constantly passing through the filter with micro-crystalline salts which creates a fine , constant spray of salt particles in the surrounding area.
Salin Plus Salt Therapy benefits people with respiratory conditions and breathing difficulties including Asthma, Sinusitis, Chest Infections, Hay Fever (Rhinitis), Allergies, Laryngitis, Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Tuberculosis (TB).
Important to Note:
Salin Plus© Air Purifier, using a fan system, draws the air from the room into the back of the device and through a salt cartridge pushing the purified (ionized) air back into the room. Salin Plus© cartridges are filled with very pure micro-crystallised salts, primarily 98% Sodium Chloride (NaCl) and 0.5% Calcium Chloride and Magnesium. This creates a fine constant spray of NaCl in surrounding environments which help to change the ionization of the air thus helping you breathe more easily.
As salt hygroscopically (naturally) draws moisture from the air it is important that the room in which Salin Plus© is being used is dry and NOT DAMP. If Salin Plus© is being used in a humid or damp room/environment it could lead to the release of salty water from the device. This is not harmful to your health but it will drastically reduce the effectiveness of Salin Plus.
Failure to follow the below guidelines can cause water to leak from your Salin Machine
*Salin Plus can only be used in a DRY ROOM.
*Windows must remain CLOSED when the Salin Plus is in the room, if you wish to open your windows you must remove the Salin Plus from the room.
*Salin Plus cannot be placed near any windows or rooms where moisture levels are high; this includes ensuite, kitchens or rooms with damp issues.
*NEVER use Salin Plus in conjunction with a dehumidifier.
*Salt is a natural dehumidifier and will absorb moisture from the room / air and turn the salt particles to liquid
Prolonged use of your Salin Plus in the wrong conditions will damage the machine
*Immediately STOP using your Salin Plus
*Remove the filter and dry out the Salin Plus thoroughly, leave the Salin Plus to air dry in a dry room or hot-press until completely dry.
*Keep the windows in the room CLOSED, this will allow the moisture to dry out.
*Check you Salin Plus daily for any signs of water or corrosion.
Using a Salin Plus if it is leaking will cause damage and there will be a possibility of the machine becoming unusable.
Salin Plus machines that have signs of water damage will not be replaced